I thought I had my brewing routine down to pretty much perfect, before I saw a Lance Hendrick video where he recommends sorting out faulty beans and getting rid of most of the chaff.

It may seem tedious to do for each cup, but for me it’s worth it. The cleanness and quality of my brews improved drastically, making me enjoy black coffee way more.

If you’re patient enough, give it a try, it pays off!

  • @wolandOP
    22 years ago

    It becomes more obvious when you first grind the beans very coarsely. I have an old grinder standing around that I have set to very coarse permanently, so I don’t have to spend too much time adjusting & readjusting. When you blow on the grounds, the chaff starts flying out, for most roasts I had it’s a decent amount, probably enough to affect the taste of the brew.