So, I’m a returning F1 fan; I watched a bunch when Schumacher was on his streak. And then didn’t get back into it until 2020 (pandemic boredom maybe?).

What I haven’t done is seen a lot of classic races; I’ve seen footage here and there. I watched the Senna documentary. But I haven’t seen many of the “Best of” races. I was hoping some of the long-time fans would post their favorite 10 races to recommend that a fan watch for the first time. So no spoilers please.

  • @MegaUmbreon
    12 years ago

    Replying to my own comment to add Turkey 2020, a lot of the early 2011 races because the Pirelli tyres were cheese so the racing was mixed up, China 2011 I remember well. Brazil 2003, Germany 2019, Italy 2010, Monaco 1982, Europe 1993, Belgium 1999, Belgium 1998, Australia 2010.

    If I think of any others I’ll add them :D