Please start your comments with the following question answered at the top:

“Will you vote for Biden in the 2024 election?” [Y/N]

  • @Clubbing4198
    11 year ago

    Democracy requires an educated and inforned electorate

    Only enough to understand the propaganda that they are fed. Its amazing how little higher educated people know about neurodivergence, LGBTQ+ experiences, class consciousness, indigenous cultures and lifeways.

    We live in an ultra-capitalist society operating on the ableism, classism, racism and sexism that defined ancient grecian and roman politics.

    you’re right that people are voting against their interests, both dems and republicans

    the vote with your wallet rhetoric sounds good when you realize that you have less dollars than a multinational corporation. so we’ve tied political and civil freedom to the ability to pay for what you think they should be? that means the rich will always win. and this vote with your wallet rhetoric is parroted by people making less than 50k/year because they think being an american libertarian is edgy