Plenty of nix’d config, nix-colors theming for most applications. I’ve only been using linux for around 6 months, NixOS has really clicked with me.

My config might be sub-optimal in areas, but its gone through some heavy changes since its inception.

  • @daiOP
    11 year ago

    Cheers man, appreciate it. It’s an awful mess rn, but an ever changing awful mess.

    Ahh I tried to have herbstluft running before I had hypr running, but my Linux inexperience got me when I landed in a tty and couldn’t run the wm.

    Remote access into my personal machines isn’t required outside of SSH, for work I remote into Windows machines using remmina without any issues. I was working on screen sharing in my config, in /hardware/audio/ but got distracted by the rest of my config.

    Running Hypr for a while has really given me more insight into the “bloat” of modern desktop environments, NixOS too has pushed me further into that rabbit hole.

    I mean, if your running Nix why not add another branch to your git and give it a twirl?