Two Palestinian toddlers with sunken eyes and emaciated faces, one in a yellow cardigan and the other in a stripy top, were lying side by side on a bed in a Gaza clinic, their thin, bony legs protruding from diapers that looked too big for them.

This was the scene on Monday at Al-Awda health centre in Rafah, southern Gaza, where nurse Diaa Al-Shaer said children suffering from malnutrition and from a range of diseases were arriving in unprecedented numbers.

“We will face a large number of patients who suffer from this, which is malnutrition,” she said.

The toddler in the yellow cardigan, Ahmed Qannan, weighed 6 kg (13.2 lb), half of his pre-war body weight, according to his aunt, Israa Kalakh, who was by his side.

  • @Linkerbaan
    7 months ago

    First thing is to spread media awareness and change public opinion.

    Donate to content creators that create pro Palestine content such as GDF, Marc Lamont Hill, Novara Media etc.

    Charities can’t do much for Gaza right now because their trucks get blocked at the gate. The only reason israel can get away with this is because of their media outlets brainwashing everyone.