It’s about 2 weeks until I start germinating some of my plants to go outside. They go out the last week of May, there’s usually a frost near the end of May. Squashes and other long plants don’t do so well here.

So what’s in everyone minds to get going this year? I usually try to get some cucumbers if they can finish in time, as well as tomatoes, peppers, peas, carrots and lettuce.

An early unexpected frost took my peppers and tomatoes last year unfortunately.

  • @ThrowawaySobriquet
    21 year ago

    Preach. I hurt a bit more than I think someone my age ought to, but it’s hard to tell which familial curse I’m contending with. Either growing up busting my ass or the rheumatoid arthritis lurking in my genes.

    My god is cedar expensive. Especially during lockdown. The fencing worked out way better than I expected. It was very light and I assumed I’d be replacing staves as they failed, but no issues at all. So far.

    Look on the bright side: you didn’t rent any equipment, but you also aren’t helping the hardpan get worse! Plus it’s good for the vittles (I’m still nursing a sore back from the buckets and barrows I pushed through that mound of dirt, so milage may vary)