• themeatbridge
    7 months ago

    The minimum wage in 1981 when Reagan took office was $3.35 or $6,867.50 per year. In today’s dollars, that would be $11.27 or $23,103.50 per year. When he left office at the end of 1988, it was $3.35, which in today’s dollars would be $8.66 or $17,753 per year.

    In 1981, the poverty level for a family of four was $9,287, or 35% more than the minimum wage. By 1988, the poverty level had risen to $12,090, or 76% more than the minimum wage.

    So you’re right, at the time Reagan was sworn in, the minimum wage was higher than it is today, but by the time he left office its value had dropped significantly. At no point during his presidency was a job guaranteed to provide a living wage, and he was the first two-term president to not raise the minimum wage at all.

    He was a bad President and a bad person.