Today, while out running errands on my hybrid, I saw an e-motorbike (this style) using the bike lane (dude also had a motorcycle helmet on).

Personally, I think these people should stay on the road like other motorbikes, as it’s clear that these are supposed to be an electric analog to ICE powered bikes.

I called this person out as well, due to my position being they actually are more of a hazard to other cyclists and pedestrians when the lanes switch to MUP’s without warning. Especially where they would be heavier than even e-bikes and would cause anyone they hit more damage than they would receive.

  • Swordgeek
    177 months ago

    Oh HELL no.

    As a bicyclist and a motorcyclist (and a pedestrian, and a driver) these belong on the road - both legally and safety.

    They need a license plate and registration. They are road vehicles.