I am having issues flashing ESPhome on these ESP32 s2 minis. I have tons of esphome devices. This isnt nearly my first. However it feels like it today…

These are the units I purchased. https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805791099168.html

The purple board. S2 Mini 2MB PSRAM.

Anyone have experience with these boards? Thanks.

  • @TCB13
    11 year ago

    No need to ground it by wire. In order to get the the board into “download mode” you need to 1) connect the board to the computer; 2) press/hold the button labeled as 0; 3) press and release the RST button; 4) release the 0 button. After this sequence a new serial port should come up in your computer. After flashing the board just remove the power and plug it back and it will be done.