Front Changes

The socialist bots attacked Mantes resulting in a failed defence campaign. The Helldivers are attempting to re-liberate the planet.

Hellmire is fully under Super Earth control giving Helldivers access to Nivel 43.

Civilian Biomass Collection Teams

  • Fori Prime - in control
  • Estanu - in control
  • Crimsica - in control
  • Hellmire - in control
Date Sector Planet Campaign Super Earth
2024-03-25 Severin Malevelon Creek Liberation 29.23%
2024-03-25 Severin Ubanea Liberation 13.12%
2024-03-25 Xzar Mantes Liberation 76.47%
2024-03-25 Trigon Ustotu Liberation 19.54%
2024-03-25 Mirin Oshaune Liberation 56.20%
2024-03-25 Mirin Nivel 43 Liberation 16.18%

Change column is omitted because I missed yesterday’s numbers

  • @TheHotze
    36 months ago

    This is why my super destroyer was initially named the Harald of Mercy!