Welcome to [email protected]! Instead of the daily post focusing solely on the NYT crossword like at /r/crossword, we at Lemmy are open to discussion for all daily crosswords.

For those checking the comments, some spoilers to answers may be present, so please proceed into the comments with caution.

Link to all the daily crosswords:

If there are any other crosswords you would like to see added to this list, please let me know and I will add it in a future post.

Thank you for being a part of this community!

    18 months ago
    • NYT: 0:25
    • LAT: x:xx - Any idea about 1D? I’ll post it below as a spoiler.
    • WaPo: x:xx
    • DP: 1:30 - Opinions on DP Mini? Some of the clues are focused UPenn things which the rest of the world may not know about it. In this one for example, I was able to figure out the answers via some guesswork. In other DP Minis I haven’t.
    • Telegraph: 1:10
    • Crosshare: 1:06
    spoiler LAT 1D

    Clue: 7, on older phones", answer “PRS”. The phones with T9 keypad have “PQRS”. Not sure what PRS is.