I recently started a job as a lube tech, I’m using shop loaner tools for now but it doesn’t have quite everything I need, and I’m going to need to get my own eventually.

What specific things do you recommend a lube tech at a GM dealership making 12.50 an hour full time gets as their first tools? Specific links for specific brand/models would be greatly appreciated!

My first priority is shoes, (Currently rocking some old tennis shoes) My second priority is a power drill, (Currently the other lube tech is sharing his with me) My 3rd priority is a air-chuck, (Currently the other lube tech is sharing his with me, ) My 4th priority is an impact wrench (being affordable is important, but I’m currently borrowing one that is good enough, and I’d rather not go deaf so if I have to spend a little bit more to get something quieter I will)

  • @over_clox
    1 year ago

    Battery powered tools weren’t as much of a thing in 2005, but still any and all electric tools pose a potential additional risk of fire, especially near potentially combustible fluids like oil.

    I learned this as one of my first jobs working a Texaco oil change shop.