• Jimmycrackcrack@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    That’s true. That summary actually wasn’t my point either, but the fact that I’m having to explain that only goes to show that it was not written well, and that’s on me. It’s a bit of a ramble I inflicted on everyone with a point mixed in. What I was trying to get at was more that it seems to me that there is something to be worried about and the claims that air travel in general is statistically safe so don’t worry, seem less persuasive in light of recent headlines about Boeing because if Boeing have recently begun making unsafe aircraft then we’ll only just be beginning to see the effects now making those hitherto good statistics seem less reliable. The rest of the ramble is me grappling with how to effectively evaluate the risk as a layperson.

    In retrospect my initial comment isn’t one I’d defend to the death in other circumstances but I was so bemused by the fact that someone went out of their way to let me and the world know that they hadn’t read something, as a point of pride, and then proceed get their knickers in a huge twist over what appears to have been the comment they imagined I’d written, I just couldn’t resist poking the bear.

    • CableMonster@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      The big question I have is if there is really a noticable decrease in boeing plane reliability, or if we just get the news stories that get the click right now. I really dont know but you could also be right that its the start of the increase in incidents, and averages would hide that fact, although I dont know what the cause would be for a sudden increase.