This 80-minute documentary focuses on the growing "wealth gap" in America, as seen through the eyes of filmmaker Jamie Johnson, a 27-year-old heir to the Joh...
Is absolutely worth watching. If only to validate much of what you already suspect is true.
Most of this will not be a surprise. But it’s important to have it documented on camera.
One thing that became obvious to me after watching both documentaries by this guy is that they can be pretty honest and it really has no effect on how they are perceived in public.
The sides never change. You either hate them or want to be like them.
Is absolutely worth watching. If only to validate much of what you already suspect is true.
Most of this will not be a surprise. But it’s important to have it documented on camera.
One thing that became obvious to me after watching both documentaries by this guy is that they can be pretty honest and it really has no effect on how they are perceived in public.
The sides never change. You either hate them or want to be like them.