I was employed at a well paid but boring government company for 4 years. The daily 4 hour commute became unbearable as public transport became less and less reliable.
So I applied and landed a job at a tech company, mostly remote. Unfortunately, they’ve started culling the workforce and it’s very likely I’ll be let go.
Question 1: Should I already start looking for a new job? I’m only a month into this one. I don’t want to be caught off guard when they give me the boot.
Question 2: How fucked is the job market right now?
- 4 YOE Full Stack
- speak English, French, German
- can hold a solid conversation about the energy sector and software (which is 90% of lemmy, but the geek profile seems less common in the public sector)
Thanks for the advice! <3
It sounds like I have nothing to lose from interviewing (except some time out of my week) and everything to gain. Maybe something good comes out of it.
I agree with you 100% - You gotta be fucking careful what you say at work. It’s like the Miranda warning, “anything you say can and will be used against you”.