• @Graphy
    11 months ago

    >In response to a criticism of male aggression, I explained female aggression and how it is modified in a postmodern social media driven world, and potential impacts of that, which shows exactly the dangers of just going with the flow.

    No, you tried to allude that women were going to be the downfall of society because they don’t like being approached. You tried to back that up with the most drawn-out take that I basically summed up as “only assholes allowed to date now because 30 million bullies and they’re gonna have asshole kids and and and have you seen idiocracy??”

    You’re trying to make it seem like people haven’t always been afraid of asking someone out and fear what might happen if they do. You think small town gossip pre internet was any better? You think confident guys haven’t always done better?

    Also, do you think when women ask to not be approached that they literally mean leave them alone like nuns? I’m not here to teach you when you it’s ok to ask someone out.

    Dawg, you gotta stop trying to use your own book to try and bring validity to this. It’s weird and no one’s read or is going to read that shit.