• @johannesvanderwhales
      1421 days ago

      What, you think they’re not already here?

      • @[email protected]
        1021 days ago

        I’m just shocked Lemmy hasn’t gone full incel. The TwoX sub some poor hopeful tried to start looked like that meme of Jerrys talking to each other.

        • @AquaTofana
          1621 days ago

          I do see the incels rear their heads from time to time.

          I had to close out of a thread regarding how FGM was on the rise again in a country in Africa, and I saw users likening it to male circumcision.

          There was (presumably) a chick in the comments trying to explain why they’re not one in the same, and she was getting heavily down voted.

          Like, yes, I think a lot of Lemmy users are against male circumcision as well (myself included), but it is NOT the same.

          My circumcised husband can still orgasm, most women will not be able to at all without clitoral stimulation. It takes the pleasure out of sex for us and makes us simple brood mares.

          And I’m always like “Jesus, this line of thinking is prevalent in a lefty place like Lemmy? No fucking wonder things like ‘Fresh&Fit’ are taking the youth by storm.”

          • @captainlezbian
            21 days ago

            Exactly. Circumcision is bad. It’s not a penectomy which is essentially what fgm usually is basically

            Also unrelated, but you have a wonderful username

            • @AquaTofana
              421 days ago

              Yes! I at first was trying to look at everything through the lens of “Maybe they just don’t know, maybe this is an education moment.” But the more and more I saw the user attempting to explain the difference between what parts are removed, the more and more people were making fun of them/downvoting them.

              Also, thank you! I’m pretty partial to yours as well!

              • @captainlezbian
                420 days ago

                Yeah, like I’ve been opposed to male circumcision my whole life, ever since my mom taught me why she opposed it as a young child in the 90s. But objectively one is bad and the other is obviously worse unless you don’t consider women being unable to experience sexual pleasure to be worse than men having reduced sexual pleasure. Like that’s the difference here.

                And like, I get being defensive about opposing male circumcision. I’ve been treated like a radical and a body shamer for it. But when we acknowledge that FGM as it is practiced in locations like Gambia is worse we aren’t saying that male circumcision is fine or that we don’t oppose it. We also shouldn’t make discussions about either about the other.

                But yeah Lemmy is way more progressive and feminist than a network like it would’ve been even 10 years ago, but also there’s definitely an mra portion to it and I have to remind myself not to attempt to play chess with the pigeons.

        • Fushuan [he/him]
          220 days ago

          Lemmy has mostly tech savvy people, which are either oldschool incel or LGBT+. There’s some regular people but those two demographics are quite predominant in the tech world, you know, the geeky bullied people trope and all.

          In this case I’d say that since regular people side with lgtb usually, the incels are shut down quite fast.

    • @daltotron
      020 days ago

      I mean it didn’t take long for the new atheist types to spawn, or the classic neolibs, so I wouldn’t be surprised if more dookie ends up flooding the site. I’ve definitely seen some MRA shit here already. Any comic or meme underneath like, a woman’s experience being recounted, is sure to be full of it, and if you ever bring up disparities in men’s and women’s sexual assault, that’s also a pretty easy trigger.