Russ Cook from Worthing reaches Ras Angela, Tunisia, after covering more than 9,900 miles in 352 days

  • @surely_not_a_bot
    11 months ago

    Oh he did way more than that, and faster than walking. Come on, he did run.

    It’s been all over the place, but his typical run the past month or so was 75km at 7m:30s/km pace (8km/h). In the beginning he was doing ~50km runs at 5m/km pace (12km/h). I think the slowest I’ve seen him doing is 9m:15s/km pace (6.4 km/h).

    He absolutely did run, but usually at an endurance pace, not at a race pace.

    He had struggles in the beginning, but his aerobic fitness is probably astronomical by now.