• @Fredselfish
    1 month ago

    Dude even with your college degree you don’t get paid a living wage.

    The way used to work back with boomers. Is you got college degree and you got paid shit load more than guy who didn’t.

    BUT both person with or without a degree could afford a home and save money.

    Now people without degree yes they get fucked but they aren’t saddle with a a Shit load of debt.

    I read a article that said university cost 100k a year. So JUST for a bachelor degree will cost you 400k.

    Now go look at the job market. Here in Oklahoma you will be lucky if they start you at 40k a year. Which isn’t horrible pay but with the way student loan debt is setup you would been better off not going to college.

    Our whole economic system is fucked up and needs to be torn down and try something else.

    Capitalism is a failed system.