I’m kinda half regretting the plant to be honest, it’s spreading vicariously, maybe giving it my cannabis nutrient runoff wasn’t the best idea…

Most of it is maintained with constant mowing of the grass/clover mix, rest I try to cut the sprouts as they appear. Gonna give it one more try this year with a little effort and see if the payoff is worth it.

So how should this be properly dealt with in the spring?

  • @SchmidtGeneticsOP
    8 months ago

    Oh I usually do. I would use my soil runoff, but now when I vacuum out my reservoirs I’ll spread it around between the flowers trees and gardens. So it’s not as often, but it’s gonna be stroooong

    I had a bunch of outdoor garden nutrients I bought before starting cannabis, so once that’s gone if it needs a pick me up I can whip up a batch of something.