
Biden is a friend of the police. Don’t forget this come November!


This is insane. After just sending $26B more to Israel, Biden is sending up to $37B more to US police to criminalize protesters & turn U.S. cities into mini-Gazas. Who really needs Trump when Uncle Joe can execute Don’s fascism with only 10% the pushback? https://x.com/equalityalec/s/equalityalec/status/1786786081234428197

Direct video link: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1693447032009113600/pu/vid/888x492/szqUMJwOMjOrZmcl.mp4

Source: https://twitter.com/SabbySabs2/status/1786914048409215319

  • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
    5 months ago

    Edit: wording

    Feel free to reply with information that critics the post.