
Democrats haven’t exactly hidden the political motive behind these prosecutions of Trump.

They speak openly about the importance of convicting and imprisoning Trump before the election, citing polling data that that’s the only thing that can put Biden in the lead:


You gotta be kidding me.

The prosecutor who questioned Stormy Daniels in court today donated $500 to Joe Biden in 2020, as well as $900 to ActBlue.

You can add that conflict of interest to the other prosecutor who was #3 at Biden’s DOJ and worked for the DNC, the judge who also donated to Biden, and the judge’s daughter raising millions of dollars for Democrats off the indictment.

  • @FabioTheNewOrder
    25 months ago

    Apparently the concept of responsibility in front of the law for actions commited by a former president and a candidate for a new presidency is something outside the intellectual grasp of Mr. Greenwald. As many other concepts it would seem, I’m starting to think that Mr. Greenwald must not be the apex of human acumen some on the right think he is.

    Keep crying about 500$ if donation to a political party while the prosecutors keep moving their case on, in the end we will see who was in the right all along 😘😘