Q: What are divestment and exclusion targets?

A: The BDS movement works to pressure governments, institutions, investment funds, city councils, etc. to exclude from procurement contracts and investments and to divest from, as the case may be, as many complicit companies as practical, especially arms companies and banks.

Intel is one of several divestment and exclusion targets listed for complicity in genocide by the BNC.

  • @jeffw
    11 month ago

    I literally cannot tell if you don’t understand what you’re talking about or you’re trolling me rn. You think a one day minor change in stock price is a metric that anyone at a corporation gives a shit about?

    Just to clarify: divestment doesn’t work. Boycotting doesn’t work. But you think they do because…? Of that one really terrible article whose data doesn’t support the conclusions? And the multiple articles that I’ve shown about those strategies not changing corporate behavior are bad because they don’t agree with your preconceived notions?

    Just to clarify again, since you don’t seem to understand the goal of the BDS movement yourself or you somehow feel the need to make a mockery of it, success would mean actually changing corporate or government behavior. Or, maybe even registering to them as something more than a laughing matter for the board to joke about.