“A caravan of vehicles blocked inbound lanes on Airport Way to protest the conflict in Gaza on Monday afternoon, the Port of Portland reports.”

  • @Fedizen
    31 year ago

    I’m sure the media coverage won’t be unhinged

    • @jordanlundOPM
      61 year ago

      I’m just not sure what the goal here is… The Portland Airport isn’t involved in the Gaza assault, and it’s not like Biden or Bibi are going to go “Wait! They’re protesting in Portland??? Call off the bombardment immediately!”

      • @[email protected]
        81 year ago

        The point of protests in general is disruption. Disneyland had to shut down for a bit because of protesters too. Both airports and theme parks bring in a lot of money, so that’s why places like that are often targets of protests, because standing in a park with signs only serves to get you ignored, but if you restrict the flow of money, people in power are more likely to listen. An extension of this is protesting on highways and bridges- it stops the flow of money to any number of businesses for as long as traffic can’t get through.

        • @jordanlundOPM
          21 year ago

          Disrupting a community that has absolutely nothing to do with what you’re protesting is counter productive. You piss off the locals who would otherwise be on your side, and the powers you are protesting, if they are aware of you at all, dismiss you as a non-threat.

          • @[email protected]
            31 year ago

            How does this not have anything to do with us? The taxes everyone pays go to the government that sends weapons to Israel. We’re all involved since we are funding it by working and providing taxes. By disrupting traffic going into a city for an hour, that’s a pretty substantial amount of taxes lost. Not enough for Biden to change his mind, but until something happens, I’d just start expecting more delays and disruptions if I were you.

            It’s really not about keeping locals comfortable at all- in fact that is almost always counter to the goals of protesting. If a local who “otherwise would be on our side” decides that genocide is okay and justifiable after waiting in their air conditioned car for an hour, they were never on our side. They’re just someone who values their own comfort over anything else.

        • @almar_quigley
          01 year ago

          Except you have to restrict the flow of money to people who can actually make decisions on the matter. Blocking traffic to our airport doesn’t impact Israel or the Biden administration in any way. So they won’t take notice of that unless it’s part of a much larger concerted effort to disrupt air travel or something.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            In 1977 when anti-apartheid protesters determined that the federal government wasn’t budging on its stance on apartheid in South Africa, they got a bunch of businesses and investors to end their involvement with the apartheid state (which had a major impact on getting the apartheid system dismantled). Due to the fact that there are anti-BDS laws specifically for Israel, it’s not possible to take this approach this time, so the only way to get businesses who invest in Israel to stop funneling money over there is to stop sources of income (or block the entrance of major contributors like they did for Disneyland). It’s not that protesters think they’ll get Biden to change his mind, it’s that protesters want to hurt the bottom line of all companies until something changes. Since the US gov listens to corporations way more than civilians, this is about the only way to do it without violence.

            About your sentence on it needing to be a much larger concerted effort with air travel, I’d say that it really doesn’t. If companies notice that they suddenly won’t be making as much money as they did the previous quarter (even if they’re still making tons of money), they freak out.

            • @almar_quigley
              31 year ago

              Let me know when this kind of protesting has an effect. What source does pdx airport have for access to any of these peoples bottom lines? I’m not against protesting by any means, but this is a little like people telling me to recycle as if that can even remotely offset what corporations are doing to the environment (I do recycle for the record). That change needs to be taken to the right place to be enacted against the right people. This protest probably only served to inconvenience a bunch of random citizens.

              • @[email protected]
                1 year ago

                Assuming people from the greater Portland area fly into and out of PDX, here’s some places headquartered in the area that could be affected by protests at the airport:

                • Intel, which must have quite a bit of airline traffic at PDX invests heavily in Israel.
                • Adidas, which must have quite a bit of airline traffic at PDX uses an Israeli Manufacturer.
                • Wells Fargo (and BoA), which must have quite a bit of airline traffic at PDX has given loans to Israeli weapons manufacturers.
                • Boeing, which must have quite a bit of airline traffic at PDX provides weapons to Israel.
                • HP, which must have quite a bit of airline traffic at PDX runs the biometric ID system that Israel uses to restrict Palestinian movement as well as other systems for the IDF.
                • Siemens, which must have quite a bit of airline traffic at PDX is involved in the building of Israeli infrastructure.

                So while, yes, the protests definitely inconvenienced random citizens, it has a pretty good chance of also affecting these companies as well.

      • @WraithGear
        21 year ago

        I am not convinced protests even work. But things have to change

        • @jordanlundOPM
          31 year ago

          Protests HERE don’t work. If a couple million people took over the streets of Tel Aviv, that would move the needle.

          • @WraithGear
            21 year ago

            Ok, they don’t work in the US. But what will? I have spent years trying to convince myself of another way outside of Revolution and failing.

            • @jordanlundOPM
              11 year ago

              If you want to protest something, you have to bring it to where the events are happening. Nobody cares about a protest 1/2 way across the country or the world.

              • @WraithGear
                21 year ago

                I agree. But protests that are large enough and in a location that is relevant are brutally put down by police, and the protesters are charged to ensure that no meaningful change can be possible

                • @jordanlundOPM
                  21 year ago

                  That’s the whole point of it though. A safe protest is not a protest at all. It’s performative.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Hell yeah, lights out on those NYD flights out. That ought to raise awareness for those families flying home with little kids. At least some people are thinking.^/s