German chancellor condemns ‘fanatics with assimilation fantasies’ after reports about AfD meeting

  • theinspectorstOP
    9 months ago

    The far-right meeting, involving members of the AfD, the head of the Identitarian Movement and neo-Nazi activists, took place last November at a countryside hotel on the outskirts of Potsdam.

    According to the investigative outlet Correctiv, which first reported the story, the concept of “re-migration” – the forceful return of migrants, allegedly including those with German citizenship, to their countries of origin through mass deportations – dominated the discussions.

    Invitations seen by Correctiv and the Guardian described the meeting as an opportunity to present “an overall concept in the sense of a masterplan”. The ideas discussed at the meeting reportedly included deportations to areas in northern Africa, where up to 2 million people could be placed.
