• @Doolbs
    22 years ago

    Love the post.

    I’ve been playing around with something like that with light seconds, minutes, hours, days, etc.

    Not being a jerk or anything, but the kilometer entry at the very top is missing a right parentheses.

    I know all about typos as I do them all the time; it just stuck out at me.

    Good post.

    • @btaf45OP
      12 years ago

      Thanks for the feedback. I will fix it. Once I learned the metric distances for outer space all those “incomprehensible distances” suddenly became easily comprehensible.

      • @Doolbs
        12 years ago

        I agree with you on that. I’m American and have used Imperial my whole life. But, then I went out of the country for work, and we had to use metric. Easy Peasy.

        I only looked at your one post on your blog. I’m going to head back and check out the rest of the blog later. Keep up the good work.