Q: I recently attended my grandson’s high school graduation party with his classmates and my son-in-law and daughter’s friends. Although I have seen some of these people before, at age 76 I felt completely invisible. Needless to say, this was not a good family feeling. Do you have any comments on this? Many thanks.

Cohen facilitates a weekly group that repeatedly has addressed this issue. Here are her 13 tips to prevent feeling invisible from becoming one’s reality. • Be interested and interesting.

• Use humor.

• Stay current about world events.

• Show interest in others.

• Make appropriate conversation.

• Dress well and age-appropriately.

• Take an interest in people who are younger and older than yourself.

• Stay curious about life.

• Respect your life and stay engaged.

• Engage in conversation with wallflowers.

• Reciprocate social invitations with small gifts, thank-you notes and your own invitations.

• Always speak kindly of others and avoid gossip.

• Cultivate self-confidence and social graces.

from: Pasadena (CA) Star News, 1/14/24, page 34 https://enewspaper.pasadenastarnews.com/html5/reader/production/default.aspx?pubname=&edid=5daa5835-44a2-429d-ab9a-69903e158143