The decades fall away as you open the front doors.

It’s the late 1950s in the cramped little offices — or maybe the pre-hippie 1960s. It’s a place where army-style buzz cuts are still in fashion, communism remains the primary enemy and the decor is dominated by American flags and portraits of once-famous Cold Warriors.

At the John Birch Society, they’ve been waging war for more than 60 years against what they’re sure is a vast, diabolical conspiracy. As they tell it, it’s a plot with tentacles that reach from 19th-century railroad magnates to the Biden White House, from the Federal Reserve to COVID vaccines.

Long before QAnon, Pizzagate and the modern crop of politicians who will happily repeat apocalyptic talking points, there was Birch. And outside these cramped small-town offices is a national political landscape that the Society helped shape.

  • DigitalTraveler42
    367 months ago

    Fuck both the John Birch and Federalist societies, two conservative groups making our country worse in the name of white supremacy, both intertwined with the cancer that is the Koch family, it’s long been time to kick their anthill.

  • PugJesus
    167 months ago

    Welch shot to prominence, and infamy, when he claimed that President Dwight D. Eisenhower, the hero general of World War II, was a “dedicated, conscious agent of the Communist conspiracy.” Also under Kremlin control, Welch asserted: the secretary of state, the head of the CIA, and Eisenhower’s younger brother Milton.


  • @[email protected]
    67 months ago

    The roots are that you can go on the CIA’s own website and see declassified pages (that were intended to be destoryed btw was accidentally leaked and so now they acknowledge it) on how they force fed our citizens and people abroad who didnt know vast amounts of LSD and other drugs literally driving even some agents they experimented on to suicide. Then check out how they’ve openly admitted to the Tuskogee Syphilis Experiment, and overthrowing dwmocratically elected governments in latin america to protect corporate interests that dont even exist anymore (United Fruit). Then read up all about how they went after MLK Jr. You could even dig up stuff about Cointel Pro (which idk if it has been officially admitted to like the other ones have been) and follow that up with the mass spying operation Snowden told us about and then its clear to see that the US government doesnt givea shit about us or people in general. I mean it is simple cause and effect. There’s the roots.

    • @[email protected]
      37 months ago

      We really have always been our own worst enemy. There’s a reason not to do a bunch of unethical shady shit, because when people make up their own loony toons bullshit your defense sounds like cover up.