Just how exactly was bombing targets in Iraq a blow to Iran? This has giant “WMD/Mission Accomplished” Vibes Source: https://www.npr.org/2024/02/02/1228132782/us-biden-iran-drone-response-strike
So after Saddam’s Sunni government was deposed, the Shia majority took over and they are aligned with the Shia government in Iran.
The targets we hit in Iraq (in theory, I haven’t seen the actual evidence for it) were Iranian backed. Not Iranian forces, but had Iranian support and infrastructure.
The targets were not in Iran, and the allegations are they were friendly with Iran, their literal neighbors, and are of the same religion. Do you not see how this seems similar to proclaiming WMDs need to be removed from Iraq, never finding them while blowing stuff up, and then hanging a banner saying mission accomplished? Just change WMD to Iran supporters and it becomes the bite size version of the same story, killing innocent Iraqis with misplaced revenge to declare a win back home.
I don’t think they were even Iraqis, most likely they were from all over the region and funded by Iran.
Borders are awfully squishy over there. We saw this after the Americans were attacked in Jordan and Jordan was like “Oh, no, no, no… that’s SYRIA… don’t drag US into this…”
Per your source (and mines+others) the only thing that the US, Iran, Syria, and Iraq seem to agree on was that no Iranians or anything place in Iran was actually attacked. In your source Iraq themselves claims deaths of their citizens, so again I ask where is the win against Iran? Because it feels like we hit the waterboy to claim we fought someone playing on the football team, even in the best light it is questionable.
Again, Iranian funded militias.