I left /c/Risa because the moderator there was letting his own personal feelings color rules, removing posts that violated no clearly written rules, and creating new rules without even running it past the community or asking how they feel about it.

The moderator of this community is guilty of that same behavior.

I’ll be over on [email protected].

  • @BroBot9000
    408 months ago

    My duck fell asleep on my calculator!

    Let me take a picture of it with my multi purpose calculator.

    • @JustUseMint
      48 months ago

      Good meme. But a graphing calculator a cell phone does not make. Granted, im sure that in current year they’re just be a TI-89 style app

      • voxel
        8 months ago
        1. there are ti emulators (firebird, ti48 are the open ones, there’s also AlmosTI)
          Firebird is for Ti-Nspire, while ti48 is for older devices (it supports A LOT of types of calculators).

        2. there are a lot of great app options, i kinda love HiPER (it kinda sucks at graphs, but it does literally everything you would ever want from a calculator)

        Firebird emulator:

        • @JustUseMint
          68 months ago

          Neat! Thanks for sharing. I love any niche tech like this, like a graphing calculator emulator lol, I’ve zero use for one but its cool anyway

  • @LaunchesKayaks
    88 months ago

    As someone who raises ducks, I can say that you definitely don’t wanna wake a sleeping duckling. It’s the only time you get a break from the loud AF peeping. I’ve raised 11 ducklings over the course of 2 years and I barely slept when they were too small to live outside. Constant peeping and pecking and the tippy taps of their feet. The smell is also absolutely awful. My flock is, thankfully, big enough right now and all the birds are adults. The only time I have a bird inside is if one is sick or injured and needs quarantined.

    • THCDenton
      18 months ago

      I’m still jealous. And i still want ducks.

      • @LaunchesKayaks
        98 months ago

        They’re disgusting creatures, but are so lovely. My grandma got me ducks (without asking for permission) after my show chicken died and I became obsessed because the lil babies imprinted on me immediately. I’m the person people go to if they have duck questions. Raising and caring for the birds is my passion.

        I’ve spent so much time and energy and money on them. I have a duck that got crippled when she was a baby due to a vitamin deficiency. I spent weeks giving her supplements and doing physical therapy on her to try to get her legs working enough for her to not need put down. She’s doing great now. She walks on her knees, but gets around so well despite everything and is thriving. I named her Legs.

        I have another duck, Sonic, that I was worried about needing to put down. I had an aggressive male crush the little dude in a fight. Sonic’s air sac was ruptured and he had dislocated ligaments and a cut on his back. He also got strings caught around his legs that got embedded in his legs that I didn’t notice right away. I performed minor surgery to get the strings out and he spent a week in the duck hospital (a crate in my bathroom) getting supplements and antibiotics and herbs that help with inflammation. I put down the aggressive male during that week because he was a danger to the whole flock. Sonic got better and is running around hella fast like nothing happened.

        I could go on and on about my birds and their lives and all that, but I’d end up writing a novel lol.