Extra pics

Back on the Yorkshire coast.

A juvenile peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) waiting on the rocks for its parents to feed it.

It had only recently fledged and was practicing flying. The chick that it is eating was passed to it in mid-air by the adult male. The female circled above keeping most of the other seabirds out of the immediate area. Anything that came too close for her liking was stooped on and driven off.

I felt incredibly lucky to get the shots I did because the fledgling was reasonably close and still unsure of itself in the air. The parents were moving so very quickly and circling at the edge of my sight. When they came closer it was practicably impossible to track their movements, let alone getting my lens on them.

Nikon D7200, Nikon 200-500mm f/5.6

f/6.3, 1/2000s,ISO 640, 500mm

  • @xc2215x
    38 months ago

    An amazing falcon.

  • @[email protected]
    28 months ago

    Really enjoying your posts btw man, you have a great style & a good eye for composition.

    • @EvilTedOP
      8 months ago

      Thank you so much for the lovely feedback. Apart from my wife I don’t think anyone else will have seen the vast majority of them, so it’s nice to be able to share them. I’m trying not to spam the board too hard, if I stick to one a day I’ll have posted about half of them in a year or so lol.

  • @CPC
    28 months ago

    Wonderful photos! Do you have a photo library somewhere online (flickr etc)?

    • @EvilTedOP
      18 months ago

      Thank you!

      I don’t I’m sorry to say. There’s a few more on my profile page here and I’ll add to this com over time. I have many thousands on my image role, but most of them are ID shots so I’m gradually sifting through them looking for ones I think people might be interested in.