• @[email protected]
    331 year ago

    google is scared about the new voice mode of chatgpt app, which is very impressive and is much much better than google assistant.

    also chatgpt in voice mode is hilarious, can see very easily that they stole text from subs from youtube or torrented movies, sometimes when you’re completely silent it understands that you just said “subtitles created by amara.org” or “subtitles from QTSS” or “if you liked this, please join and subscribe to the channel” - because in the thousands of torrented movies with the fansubs that they used for training, the credits for the fansub group are playing when there’s silence, so the AI is trained that silence = “subs created by zeroranger.uk

  • @PlutoniumAcid
    110 months ago

    “Not available in your country” - am not surprised.