Like other factors such as age, sex, and genetics, smoking has a major impact on immune responses. This is the finding recently made by a team of scientists at the Institut Pasteur using the Milieu Intérieur cohort of 1,000 healthy volunteers, established to understand variability in immune responses. In addition to its short-term impact on immunity, smoking also has long-term consequences.

For many years after they have quit the habit, smokers are left with effects on some of their bodies’ defense mechanisms acquired while smoking. These findings, which for the first time reveal a long-term memory of the effects of smoking on immunity, is published in the journal Nature.

  • @owenfromcanada
    84 months ago

    This just in: inhaling carcinogens is bad for you. But like, even a little worse than we thought before.

  • @EdibleFriend
    24 months ago

    Counterpoint…it makes you cool.

  • @voracitude
    4 months ago

    Whatever, my immune system won’t do shit against the cancer I’m statistically more likely to die of anyway. That’s kind of the issue with cancer - the one that kills you is always one that managed to evade your immune system.

    (And yes, to be strictly accurate most cancer patients die of organ failure or some other cancer-related issue, rather than the cancer itself, but that doesn’t sound as good)

  • @[email protected]
    24 months ago

    this study shows that smoking disrupts not only innate immune mechanisms but also some adaptive immune mechanisms. “A comparison of immune responses in smokers and ex-smokers revealed that the inflammatory response returned to normal levels quickly after smoking cessation, while the impact on adaptive immunity persisted for 10 to 15 years,”

    Well at least it doesn’t last forever after quitting smoking!

    “This is the first time it has been possible to demonstrate the long-term influence of smoking on immune responses.”

    “This is a major discovery elucidating the impact of smoking on healthy individuals’ immunity and also, by comparison, on the immunity of individuals suffering from various diseases,”

  • iquanyin
    -24 months ago

    know what’s even worse? climate change.