Western experts are putting forward failed policies rather than reckoning with the damage Israeli apartheid has caused.

Israel has apparently concluded its latest reinvasion of the Jenin refugee camp and the surrounding city in the occupied West Bank. Those watching the situation from the United States or elsewhere in the global north will have been told by policymakers and experts that these military operations are an unfortunate necessity to keep Palestinian violence in check and Israelis safe.

With a few confidence-building measures and economic initiatives offered to the Palestinian Authority (PA), some policymakers may still erroneously believe that the corner can be turned on violent escalations in the occupied territories and the course set for a return to peace-processing and a two-state outcome.

Strengthening PA capacity and thereby minimizing large-scale Israeli military interventions is the well-worn, go-to “solution” after events like those in Jenin. It sounds fair, reasonable, even pro-Palestinian to some. It just fails to address a key issue—namely that the PA is weak by design.