Pretty happy with how it turned out, though this is meant to be kind of temporary since I’m looking forwards to switching to hyprland when my graphics card stops going insane with it

  • os: Arch Linux
  • wm: i3
  • compositor: picom (pijulius’ fork)
  • bar: polybar
  • theme: catppuccin macchiato green
  • terminal: kitty
  • @Sanctus
    510 months ago

    Nice rice! We use the same exact setup though our rices are very different. Its made me fall in love with Linux.

  • lemmyreader
    410 months ago


    And the fonts in terminal and music player look similar ? What font is it ?

    • @BlackilykatOP
      310 months ago

      In the terminal it’s FiraCode Nerd Font Med, in the bar and music player it’s Ubuntu Nerd Font Medium

    • @BlackilykatOP
      210 months ago

      animations, I also tried like 5 different forks hoping I would get blur working with rounded edges but nothing had good support for it

  • @[email protected]
    110 months ago

    Pretty good. Some things could use some more work but not bad. Though -10 points for lying. This can’t be your first rice. 0/10

    • @BlackilykatOP
      210 months ago

      I had played around with configs before but it was mostly a random arrangement of stuff that didn’t really work together (and wasn’t meant to), but this was the first time I actually spent some time making something coherent. Also the already made catppuccin theme does a lot of the job