• @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      I picture a well-to-do and relatively worry-free middle class father of four who drives a brand new truck, owns a massive home, probably does electrical work, and tells himself every day that the Democrats are ruining his way of life and encroaching on his freedoms.

      I live in Alberta now and that’s 80% of conservatives up here, except replace Biden with Trudeau and replace their way of life with even less to worry about than Americans.

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        Wears oakleys and under armour shirts with American flags on the sleeves, has a goatee and a shaved head; he has a McMansion with a huge yard, in a place just outside the suburbs, far enough away so he can drive his brodozer to the grocery store to pick up a six pack of bud heavy (none of that bud light trans shit (are they still whining about that?)), with no sidewalks so his kids can’t really go anywhere on their own and he can then complain that kids these days don’t go outside anymore and spend all their time on tiktok (posted on Facebook)

      • @theangryseal
        31 year ago

        Yep, sounds like my father in law.

        It’s crazy how cultural political views are these days. When I was a kid, everyone I knew just about was a democrat (coal country).

        One goofy hat later, bam.

        What really shifted my area though was environmentalism. People came out talking about how terrible their only means of living was for the world, started working to eradicate it, and forgot about the people dependent on it.

        I imagine that in an ideal world, the end of the 90s wouldn’t have resulted in manufacturing jobs all going to China. Factories would have been built in Appalachia, unions would have thrived, and my people wouldn’t have shifted so drastically.

        Nothing motivates hatred quite like taking the food out of a man’s mouth.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          The perspective is similar in Alberta, except with oil and gas - and nearly everyone in the industry is quite well off rather than living in poverty like many in coal country. It’s very difficult to change anyone’s mind regarding the negatives when the entire industry has made them and the generations before them wealthy while requiring very little education out of the gate.

  • @FollyDolly
    441 year ago

    I had this guy move in down the street from me. Except more overwieght and only had a thin blue line flag. Apparently he owned a couple acres of land by the road. First the camper appered, followed by the beer cans and tarps strung up everywhere. His days consisted of sitting in various delapidated, cheap plastic lawn chairs and drinking. Clothing optional if it was hot enough. And let me assure he, he was a tighy whitey kinda guy. Or more like tighty browny if you know what I mean.

    The county caught up with him a few weeks later, and that’s when the portajohn appeared. This was not an improvement, because the wind blew it over and nobody stood it back up. Also the wind was shredding the tarps, creating these streamers of plastic that waved in the wind like those crappy inflatable tube men outside of the car dealership.

    Finally it came out when he got arrested that he was hiding from arreest warrents in another state. Someone came and got the portocrapper and camper, leaving only the beer cans and shredded tarps as a reminder of our temporary nieghbor.

    1 out of 10, would not recommend. Nothing like the smell of hot tipped over portojohn wafting on the wind.

    • Flying SquidOP
      241 year ago

      Amazing how many of those people with thin blue line stickers on their cars are happy to violate every traffic law on the books.

      • Admiral Patrick
        1 year ago

        I know a bunch of people who get them thinking they’re “get out of a ticket free” stickers. There’s also a more local version that shows support for our state police which are bought for similar reasons.

        That said, I’m willing to give some benefit of doubt when I see them on vehicles but never if I see the big ass flags waving on houses.

    • @Donjuanme
      41 year ago

      Few things make me appreciate California more than my memories of nearly every creek with a bridge over it in Missouri having been treated as an impromptu landfill.

      Someone had the gall to dump a washer and dryer on the side of the road on my commute, I was nervous it would enable others, but no other trash showed up, and after a week or two the washer and dryer were removed.

  • @Cringedrif
    201 year ago

    Most of the people like this don’t see the problem…

  • @friend_of_satan
    1 year ago

    I wish. Where I live there are lots of perfectly manicured lawns with swimming pools, and several new-ish gas guzzling vehicles parked in the driveway next to the RV, and huge pro-Trump flags hung on garages and on flagpoles.

  • @[email protected]
    151 year ago

    Nah I think of a bootlicker that thinks he’s cool for saying a dog whistle but is scared of just saying fuck Joe Biden out loud

  • NegativeNull
    141 year ago

    I’m seeing “Try That in a Small Town” bumper stickers around me the last couple months. Usually with FJB and BlueLivesMatter stickers as well.

          • @babboa
            21 year ago

            Because like schoolchildren or Ned Flanders we must not say bad words but abbreviations or euphemisms are okely dokely.

            • @[email protected]
              11 year ago

              Well it started because at a nascar race a chant started “Fuck Joe Biden” and the newscaster said they were chanting “Let’s go Brandon” as someone named Brandon nascars I guess. The newscaster either misheard or quickly covered because the FCC says “we must not say bad words but abbreviations or euphemisms are okely dokely” on television, and now it’s a meme to them.

              Frankly I don’t like the FCC or their censorship anyway but that’s me. Been on the “fuck the FCC, PMRC, RIAA, etc” train since before the FCC wouldn’t let Em be.

            • NegativeNull
              11 year ago

              I have a neighbor who was a bumper sticker, very large, that is “FJB” exactly like that. I’ve seen some who spell out “Fuck Joe Biden” as well, but most (in my area) try to be a bit more subtle

    • @LifeInMultipleChoice
      1 year ago

      Yeah, when the musician has to go to someone else’s “small” town to film the music video it says something. He filmed it in front of the court house in Columbia Tennessee. Not everyone was happy about that. Came out about the same time the majority black churches in the area started getting KKK pamphlets placed around.

  • @[email protected]
    131 year ago

    So, you’re saying that I look super cool? Like I bleed freedom when I’m cut. Cause I just don’t see the problem.

    Also, I like dipping tobacco, beating my spouse, and pwning the libs. I must be one of the cool guys, right? TRUMP!

    /s I hate that I have to include this, but some dumbass will read this the wrong way.

    • @breadsmasher
      171 year ago

      The /s is actually vital, because what you’ve said would pass as conservative, 100%

  • @carl_dungeon
    101 year ago

    Except fat, room temp IQ, racist, and on social assistance while screaming incoherently about socialists.

  • @recapitated
    101 year ago

    NGL besides the dumb slave owning propaganda, everything else in the pic looks like a fun time.

  • idunnololz
    71 year ago

    TFW You’re at a basketball game and your friend just scored a 3-pointer. His name is Brandon.

  • terwn43lp
    51 year ago

    their yard’s always filled with trash 😅