• @IndustryStandardOP
    27 months ago

    Partial transcription

    USaid is basically an appendage of the US National Security State as long as it’s existed. USA ID has funded and trained right-wing opposition groups in countries with governments that the US wanted to undermine or overthrow from its Inception. In 1961 the agency’s Office of Public Safety funded and trained police officers in over 50 countries propping up right-wing dictatorships around the world.

    The program came under so much scrutiny because it was linked to so many disappearances that it had to be shut down in 1974 more recently the agency’s leaned into its humanitarian image as a plot top of governments specifically through its office of transition initiatives transition being the euphemism for overthrowing governments it describes its work as quote supporting US foreign policy objectives by helping local Partners Advance peace and democracy with “programs that serve as Catalyst for positive political change”.

    One of its main targets has been Venezuela where usaid has poured hundreds of millions of dollars into overthrowing at socialist government led by Ugo Chavez a Wikileaks cable from 2006 describes the US ambassador’s five-point strategy to “guide Embassy activities in Venezuela specifically from the referendum to the 2006 presidential elections”.