“I don’t think billionaires should exist,” he said. “No one needs that much money. I think it’s inhumane. Pick any city, walk around, you know, you see people starving, people without basic necessities. There’s no excuse for that. And it’s not because people are lazy or don’t want to work. The billionaires that keep amassing more and more wealth, so they can build rocket ships and do whatever the hell they want to do, that does nothing for humanity.”

“Your critics say that’s class warfare,” said Costa.

“Yeah, class warfare has been going on in this country for the last 40 years – the billionaire class has been taking everything and leaving the working class with nothing,” Fain replied. “Whenever working class people ever step up and say, ‘This is wrong, we want it to stop,’ all of a sudden, Oh, it’s class warfare. It’s the end of the world.”

  • @NineMileTower
    571 year ago

    If you make a billion dollars, you didn’t EARN it through hard work. You took advantage of a broken system, and you’re hoarding money from the people that made it for you.

  • @Zachariah
    261 year ago

    What a weird coincidence his name sounds like: Sinn Féin.

    • TheFlopster
      71 year ago

      I’ve been thinking that for months now, every time I hear his name. And you’re the first person I’ve seen bring it up.

  • TruthAintEasy
    141 year ago

    Most of religion is b.s. but hoarding in a sin against humanity. If I had a billion dollars I wouldnt. I would be building houses and just giving them away, free and clear. You cant tell people how to live, but you CAN make it easier for them to find their best path.

    The really bad thing about it is we already have enough homes to go around, they just dont because Dragons - I mean hoarders would rather they sit empty than help anyone.

    Will giving the homeless free houses solve all their problems? No. But now they at least wont be as much of a drain on social and medical services. I know some of them would just trash the place, but thats a price I would be willing to pay to help the many who would use it as their new start.

    I really dont know why Gates or Zuckerberg dont do this. They will be mostly reviled in 150 years. Fix homelessness and you’re famous for several thousand years, the next Jesus, statues and monuments to their greatness in every city.

    For anyone who wants to cry: But I had to pay for my house… stop being miserly, it is time to admit that that you got there with a lot of help along the way. No one is self made.

    • Flying Squid
      71 year ago

      If you think religion is anti-hoarding, you’ve never been to the Vatican. Or the palaces of the House of Saud.

      • TruthAintEasy
        11 year ago

        I have been to the vatican, did a France-Italy tour in highschool. Being raised Lutheran (rich person church) I knew at a young age that they were very selective about which rules the leaders wanted to talk about. Its a catch 22. Jesus said to reject material possession as a goal in life, however the church wants you to make more money so you can tithe more.

      • TruthAintEasy
        11 year ago

        You mean, Im not just a temporarily embarressed billionair?

        Yea, your right. I just dont like the reality of the matter. I’ll propably not even see the million given that Im neuro-divergant. I do also realise that if I were born rich I wouldnt feel and think the way I do about things. Im thankful for that. I would rather be Avalanche than Shinra (ff7 lol) anyways.

  • prole
    141 year ago

    Can this guy run for president, or…?

    • @Shadywack
      11 year ago

      I would sure love it if he did. Easiest ballot I would ever cast.

  • Flying Squid
    71 year ago

    The UAW has been languishing in the lower depths for years until Shawn Fain brought it into the light and turned it into the being the sort of major union that should be leading a massive labor movement.

    I also think he will be a light of hope if Trump gets elected because there’s no way he won’t go down fighting his ass off.