• @Mango
    177 months ago

    Because of reasons probably.

  • Codex
    47 months ago

    Pretty interesting. Since it’s longer radio waves… maybe matter that falls in at a certain angle orbits very close to the event horizon, and the friction of that matter is able to generate EM waves? The photons maybe also get caught in a shallow angle so it takes them a few years to spin free or it takes a few years for the necessary matter to accumulate in the right orbits?

    Sort of a beautiful, tragic image: black holes as the largest cosmic record players, blasting out one final wailing note as the star falls in.

    • Optional
      27 months ago

      If I read it right, this is like a random, unexpected reprise.

  • @Chemical
    47 months ago

    Can someone calculate how much time passes once in a black hole? Perhaps the stars (now just random matter, I assume) only experienced seconds/minutes/days for the years they were engulfed