EDIT - Okay, I’ll bite. WHY are you downvoting being asked for your opinion? Do you really hate what you would say so much that you would downvote being asked?

Many of you have talked about playing WarHammer 40K Boltgun. If you wouldn’t mind putting your opinion in a post below, I’d appreciate it. This way we have one running thread with all rants and raves in one place. Since I’ve already posted my opinion in long form I’ll assume that counts for me. What do you think now that you’ve had some time with it?

  • @[email protected]
    32 years ago

    I loved it personally big doom vibes with the added brutal carnage of the Warhammer setting.

    The only really niggles I had with it was that some of the level designs had me getting lost and the constant noise with the druid thing it distracted me in one or occasions all in all a solid shooter and not badly priced either. I hope they make it a series a campaign against some of the other wh40k factions would be nice.

    Ignore the downvotes, bunch of idiots with nothing better to do.

  • @Fudgeknuckles98
    2 years ago

    Honestly I love it, it’s pretty short as I’m only 5 hours in but about halfway through. I’m not a Warhammer fan but it’s still good. It has sliders to adjust colour pallets and pixelation so you can adjust the retro feel.

    EDIT: It’s definitely worth the current sale price. And the other commenter is right that the levels can be a bit confusing at times so it could definitely do with a map.

  • Frozzie
    22 years ago

    I’m playing it rn and it’s a real banger. Only downside is that I sometimes get lost and there is no map, they could have maybe added a feature where the cervo would show you the path or something similar to what they did in Space Marine.