Former Trump White House adviser Peter Navarro has been ordered to report to jail in Miami on March 19 to begin his four-month sentence after he defied a subpoena from the House Select Committee that investigated the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Navarro was convinced in September of two counts of contempt of Congress for refusing to provide testimony and documents to the committee.

According to court papers filed late Sunday night by Navarro’s attorneys, he must report to prison in Miami by March 19 at 2 p.m. ET.

  • @SuckMyWang
    367 months ago

    Won’t he just ignore that too

    • @[email protected]
      147 months ago

      He could, but then he’ll have a warrant and he’ll never work in politics again and it’ll just be way worse for him.

      America isn’t Sweden, you can’t decide not to go to jail

        • @[email protected]
          -97 months ago

          A completely different person and situation who was nevertheless booted out of his political position for four years so far and is undergoing more civil and criminal trials and has already paid millions in civil sentences and is banned from conducting business in New York once he was found liable?

          Not s great example of someone getting away with stuff.

          • @[email protected]
            57 months ago

            He is still at liberty and running for office. Those fines are being paid by his dipshit supporters and those looking to buy influence. Trump is the prime example of someone getting away with stuff.

            • @[email protected]
              7 months ago

              He is not at liberty - he has been and is stuck in courtrooms all day losing cases.

              For his rape case and civil fraud, that was 34 days of him in court, over one month out of the year that he was not at liberty, He’s going back this year to appeal his sentences, taking away more of his time.

              Running for office - at a distinct disadvantage with less money from these cases that cannot be paid for by his supporters.

              He isn’t getting away with stuff.

      • @[email protected]
        97 months ago

        Didn’t Steve Bannon just decide not to go to jail?

        On a side note, I know Jim Jordan just decides to ignore lawful subpoenas served to him.

        • @[email protected]
          97 months ago

          Bannon is appealing his sentence right now, so his prison sentence is on hold pending the result of the appeal.

          Jim Jordan is a better exception to the rule, although since they’re still processing and holding toddler for those directly involved in jan 6th, they might not have gotten to subpoena deniers yet.

          More relevant to Jordan is his direct involvement in the fake electors plot, where trump and friends tried to mail in fake electors certificates.

          There are multiple investigations going on by several states(5, iirc) and the DOJ, FBI, all coordinating how to prosecute those involved, and they have people involved flipping she becoming unfitness every month.

          They could be waiting for his getting charged to tack on a few extra charges for defying subpoenas.

          So it’s weird that he hasn’t been charged yet, but there’s no reason to think he won’t be in the future

          • @Blue_Morpho
            77 months ago

            Bannon is appealing his sentence right now, so his prison sentence is on hold pending the result of the appeal.

            Weird how for everyone else found guilty, they have to file their appeals from jail.

            But Bannon is allowed to appeal first.

            • @[email protected]
              7 months ago

              Not weird at all. Corrupt and unjust, but very common.

              I explained this in other comments, but it’s not because he’s Steve Bannon, it’s because he’s wealthy and the wealthy have an advantage in the American legal system.

              The wealthy can hire a better lawyer, pay their bonds so they don’t have to go to jail while the outcome of their trial is decided, and have a better life in jail if they do have to go to jail while their trial is decided.

              There are a lot of advantages to being wealthy.

              • @Blue_Morpho
                7 months ago

                This wasn’t a bond. He was found guilty. But another judge stepped in and said the court was wrong to dismiss his executive privilege defense so he’s allowed to be free until the appeal.

                The original trial dismissed his claim of executive privilege because the timeframe was wrong and Trump never said Bannon had executive privilege for the issue.

                So yeah, a sovcit gets called crazy for throwing around irrelevant legal terms but Bannon got to stay out of jail doing the same.

                • @[email protected]
                  7 months ago

                  What did he pay the appeal bond for? And why is he appealing his conviction?

                  The appeal is ongoing right now, right?

                  Could easily be out of date with Bannon, I only knew about his appeal

          • @[email protected]
            47 months ago

            Thank you for the knowledge and writing this up.

            Yeah, the DOJ has been dragging its feet on doing anything after promising a lot at their press conferences. Not the least of which included going after nefarious short selling in the market.

            But it seems they don’t have the stones to pull the trigger on ANYTHING and it’s all just lip service.

            Cynically, I feel like the fix in and they are just delaying until Trump is reinstalled as dictator. I hope I am wrong, but every day is a can kick and we are past 3 years into this administration’s term with ZERO consequences for insurrection.

            • @[email protected]
              7 months ago

              Trump’s paid fines, been booted out of NY business just on civil cases and is facing 91 felonies in four criminal cases.

              I agree that people are hoping he’ll win, but a jury found him liable for sexual assault and a judge has explicitly stated that what trump did was rape and with the criminal charges above joined with all the Jan. 6 rioters he did not help at all as president after implying he would help them, he’s lost support politically and financially and is not in as strong a position as he was in 2020, which he lost anyway.

              Dumps could win, but it’s nowhere near a lock, and even if it was, a lot of people thought '20 was a lock, he lost and hes in a worse position now than '20.

              The fake electors plot is huge.

              Enormous. Seven states, multiple high-level collaborators including trump himself, dozens of lower level collaborators directory forging election documents and attempting to defraud nara and pence by making them false election certificates.

              I don’t actually know how many ongoing investigating there are, but this is not being left alone, cheese bro is one of the main collaborators and is narcing on the others right now as we type and he’s not the only one by a long shot.

              It took two years for Trump to be found liable for sexual assault, and that was a single charge(excluding the supplemental defamation) with a single victim.

              The fake electors scheme is going to take longer to prosecute because of how many people took part and how complex the investigations are, but that situation isn’t on the back burner, it is boiling, and a lot of the people involved are talking.

      • @David_Eight
        97 months ago

        America isn’t Sweden, you can’t decide not to go to jail

        Unless you’re rich, then there are no consequences. And he’s 74, I doubt he cares if he gets to work in politics or not.

        • @[email protected]
          27 months ago

          Trump just paid over 90 million because that isn’t true.

          Life and “criminal justice” is less daunting if you’re rich, but rulings stand and rich people face consequences and go to jail.

          Madoff, shkreli went to jail.

          74 or not, people care about the life they’ve devoted themselves to and built for themselves.

          He certainly cares more for his comfortable life than running from US agents and bounty hunters at 74

          • @David_Eight
            137 months ago

            Those are more exceptions than the rule. How many people went to jail for the Panama papers or Epstein Island? Most of them just get away with it.

            • @[email protected]
              7 months ago

              Exceptions are unique; dozens of examples of the wealthy and powerful facing legal consequences you can search engine and find immediately are not exceptions.

              It’s easier for the wealthy and powerful to fight their cases, but after exhausting their appeals they’re as criminally liable as anyone else.

              Panama papers are about companies legally avoiding paying their fair share because of America’s shitty tax laws, not about people convicted of crimes evading the sentences.

              Epstein went to jail after being convicted.

              There have been no trials yet or publicly available and importantly, legally actionable evidence to prosecute others who visited his island.

              • @David_Eight
                57 months ago

                The Panama Papers are about tax fraud on a global scale going back to 1970s. Most of the people named weren’t American. Out of the thousands named, 2 people served jail time.

                Epstein and Maxwell went to jail. Epstein was murdered so he couldn’t testify against any of the hundreds of child rapist he facilitated.

                Madoff stole money from rich people, of course he why to jail lol.

                Trump sexually assaulted multiple women, committed multiple counts of fraud, sold government secrets, and tried to overthrow the government and paid a fine.

                I’m not saying rich people never face any consequence at all, I know there are examples out there. I’m saying that for every one that does face some sort of consequence there’s a thousand that don’t.

                • @[email protected]
                  7 months ago

                  Right, they went to jail.

                  Epstein easily could have been murdered, but that’s an unproven theory.

                  Trump is on the hook for fines larger than his presidential campaign fund so far that he has to pay himself, and he still has 91 criminal felony charges against him, as well as other cases and especially that of the fake electors plot looming.

                  You literally said “except if you are rich, then there are no consequences”.

                  That’s what I’m responding to

                  Now you’re saying “I’m not saying rich people never face any consequence at all”.

                  If you want to change your theory to “sometimes some people don’t go to jail when david_eight thinks they should”, sure, makes sense.

      • @Son_of_dad
        27 months ago

        Please send dog the bounty Hunter after him. Just any dirt bag bounty Hunter with a camera crew will do.

  • Optional
    297 months ago

    In October 2020, two weeks before the presidential elections, Navarro’s office in the White House had begun preparing allegations of election fraud.[116] . . . In December 2020, Navarro published a report alleging widespread election fraud.[118] The report repeated discredited conspiracy theories claiming election fraud, including allegations that had been dismissed by the courts and Trump’s own election security task force. . . . On January 2, 2021, Navarro, along with Rudy Giuliani and Mark Meadows, participated in a call with Georgia election officials in which Trump urged them to overturn the results of the election.[121][122][123]

    Oh yeah. What a shithead.

    In February 2020 virologist Steven Hatfill became Navarro’s advisor with regard to the coronavirus pandemic.[105] Hatfill was a strong promoter of the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for covid, even though the drug’s effectiveness was unproven.[106][107] By April, Navarro, and the president himself, were touting the drug as a lifesaver. . . . In July 2020, Navarro touted a widely criticized study as showing that hydroxychloroquine was an effective coronavirus treatment; . . . In May 2020, Navarro criticized stay-at-home orders, arguing that the COVID-19 lockdowns will kill “many more” people than the coronavirus.[23][110] In July 2020, USA Today published an editorial by Navarro under the headline “Anthony Fauci has been wrong about everything I have interacted with him on,” after which White House officials disavowed Navarro’s attacks.

    Christ what a fuckup.