I seem to have done something that is preventing the sidebars from following any themes I’m using (Nord in this pic.) After going through every setting I can think of, I’m hoping someone here can help point me in the right direction to get these sidebars “unstuck” from being a black back ground.

    • @haulyardOP
      22 years ago

      No. I did have the Style Settings plugin installed but never did anything with it that I remember. I’ve uninstalled that also.

      • Tenebris Nox
        22 years ago

        I use mac, too, but haven’t encountered this. You’ve done all the usual haven’t you: checked Obsidian is latest release, installed another theme? Reinstalled Obsidian?

        I’ve had issues with themes but found they tend to be theme-specific. Minimal is always a goid one to try (again, young probably done this).

  • @haulyardOP
    22 years ago

    Failed to mention that I’m on MacOS. I also just learned that when I full-screen the app, the side bars match the theme. Exiting full screen causes them to go back to black.