The European Deforestation Regulation or EUDR will outlaw sales of products like coffee from December 30, 2024, if companies can’t prove they are not linked with deforestation. The new rules don’t just seek to reduce risks of illegal logging and its scope is wide: It will apply to cocoa, coffee, soy, palm oil, wood, rubber, and cattle. To sell those products in Europe big companies will have to provide evidence showing they come from land where forests haven’t been cut since 2020. Smaller companies have till July 2025 to do so.

Deforestation is the second-biggest source of carbon emissions after fossil fuels. Europe ranked second behind China in the amount of deforestation caused by its imports in 2017, according to a 2021 World Wildlife Fund report. If implemented well, the EUDR could help reduce this, especially if the more stringent standards for tracing where products come from becomes the “new normal,” Helen Bellfield a policy director at Global Canopy told The Associated Press in an interview.

It’s not failsafe. Companies can just sell products that don’t meet the new requirements elsewhere, without reducing deforestation. Thousands of small farmers unable to provide the potentially expensive data could be left out. Much depends on how countries and companies react to the new laws, Bellfield said. Countries must help smaller farmers by building national systems ensure their exports are traceable. Otherwise, companies may just buy from very large farms that can prove they have complied.

  • @Ekybio
    66 months ago

    While the potential threat to smaller farmers is definetly important, this allows to curb a much larger problem in turn:

    Big Companies cant affort not to sell in Europe, one of the most important consumer markets in addition to the US. Forcing their hand in making a change to safe the planet is definetly worth that.

    Important Highlight: The evidence needs to be providee by the companies. Always assume companies put profits before anything, so this takes a lot of power over away from greedy capital and towards.

    An important change worth potential negative consequences for sure!