
All credit for this compilation goes to HylianAngel. The only thing I did was reformat it for better readability, and add the (Super) Gut Check Challenge Rewards as those don’t seem to appear in the original guide.

The original source can be found here: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/189707-the-legend-of-zelda-breath-of-the-wild/75639750

The Minigames:


Deer Hunting (Free admission)

  • 0 Deer: Nothing
  • 1-3 Deer: 1 Rupee
  • 4-6 Deer: 5 Rupees
  • 7-9 Deer: 20 Rupees
  • 10 Deer: 50 Rupees


Horse Obstacle Course (Entrance Fee: 20 Rupees)

  • 02:00.00+: Nothing
  • 01:30.00-01:59.99: Swift Carrot
  • 01:15:00-01:29.99: Endura Carrot (First Time: Extravagant Saddle)
  • 01:14.99 or less: 100 Rupees (First Time: Extravagant Bridle, or Extravagant Saddle if you don’t have it yet)


Horseback Archery (Entrance Fee: 20 Rupees)

  • 0-11 Targets: Nothing
  • 12-19 Targets: Arrows x15
  • 20-22 Targets: Bomb Arrow x10 (First Time: Knight’s Saddle)
  • 23-25 Targets: Bomb Arrow x20 (First Time: Knight’s Bridle)


Gambling (Entrance Fee: 10/50/100 Rupees - your choice)

  • 10-Rupee Entrance Fee: 1 Rupee (2/3 Chance) or 20 Rupees (1/3 Chance)
  • 50-Rupee Entrance Fee: 1 Rupee (2/3 Chance) or 100 Rupees (1/3 Chance)
  • 100-Rupee Entrance Fee: 1 Rupee (2/3 Chance) or 300 Rupees (1/3 Chance)


Paraglider Course (Entrance Fee: 20 Rupees)

  • 0-19 Rings: Nothing
  • 20-24 Rings: 20 Rupees
  • 25-29 Rings: 50 Rupees
  • 30-49 Rings: 100 Rupees
  • 50-70 Rings: 300 Rupees


Restoring the Blue Flame[1] (Entrance Fee: 20 Rupees)

  • 1st Time (Less than 3 minutes): 50 Rupees
  • 2nd Time (Less than 1 minute): 100 Rupees
  • 3rd Time (Less than 20 seconds): 300 Rupees
  • Subsequent Times (Less than 20 seconds): 20 Rupees


Test of Wood Revisited (Entrance Fee: 20 Rupees[2])

  • 02:00.00-04:99.99: Nothing
  • 01:59.99 or less: 50 Rupees
  • Beat Best Record: 100 Rupees


Bird-Man Research Study (Entrance Fee: 20 Rupees)

  • 0.0-499.9 m: Nothing
  • 500.0-599.9 m: 50 Rupees
  • 600.0+ m: 100 Rupees


Footrace (Entrance Fee: 20 Rupees)

  • Lose: Nothing
  • Win: 50 Rupees


Boom Bam Golf (Entrance Fee: 20 Rupees)

  • 11-20 Hits: Nothing
  • 6-10 Hits: 20 Rupees
  • 4-5 Hits: 50 Rupees
  • 1-3 Hits: 100 Rupees


Flight Range (Free admission)

  • 0-4 Targets: Nothing
  • 5-9 Targets: 20 Rupees
  • 10-14 Targets: 50 Rupees
  • 15-19 Targets: 100 Rupees
  • 20 Targets: 300 Rupees


Snowball Bowling (Entrance Fee: 20 Rupees)

  • 0-1 Pins: Nothing (Awful Run)
  • 2-6 Pins: Nothing (Bad Run)
  • 7-8 Pins: 20 Rupees
  • 9 Pins: 50 Rupees
  • Spare: 100 Rupees
  • Strike: 300 Rupees (First Time with Empty Inventory Slot: Blizzard Rod)


Shield Surfing: Beginner Course (Entrance Fee: 20 Rupees)

  • 02:00.00+: Nothing (Awful Run)
  • 01:00.00-01:59.99: 20 Rupees (Bad Run)
  • 00:45.00-00:59.99: 20 Rupees (Average Run)
  • 00:44.99 or less: 50 Rupees (Great Run)


Shield Surfing: Advanced Course (Entrance Fee: 20 Rupees)

  • 04:00.00+: Nothing
  • 03:20.00-03:59.99: 1 Rupee (First Time: Wooden Shield)
  • 03:05.00-03:19.99: 5 Rupees (First Time: Hunter’s Shield)
  • 02:50.00-03:04.99: 5 Rupees (First Time: Emblazoned Shield)
  • 02:35.00-02:49.99: 20 Rupees (First Time: Fisherman’s Shield)
  • 02:20.00-02:34.99: 20 Rupees (First Time: Traveler’s Shield)
  • 02:05.00-02:19.99: 20 Rupees (First Time: Kite Shield)
  • 01:50.00-02:04.99: 50 Rupees (First Time: Soldier’s Shield)
  • 01:35.00-01:49.99: 50 Rupees (First Time: Knight’s Shield)
  • 01:34.99 or less: 100 Rupees (First Time: Royal Shield)


Sand-Seal Racing (Entrance Fee: 100 Rupees)

  • Disqualification: Nothing
  • Finish the Race: 100 Rupees
  • Beat Best Record: 300 Rupees


Carry the Ice (Entrance Fee: 20 Rupees)

  • The Ice Melted: Nothing
  • 2:00.00+: 100 Rupees
  • 1:59.99 or less: 300 Rupees


Gut Check Challenge (Entrance Fee: 20 Rupees before you finish the Shrine Quest, 50 Rupees afterwards)

  • Link collected less than 100 Rupees before talking to the Goron, or the time runs out: Nothing (Link isn’t allowed to keep them)
  • Link collected more than 100 rupees and talked to the Goron within the time limit: You keep everything you collected


Super Gut Check Challenge (Entrance Fee: 100 Rupees)

  • Link collected less than 300 Rupees before talking to the Goron, or the time runs out: Nothing (Link isn’t allowed to keep them)
  • Link collected more than 300 rupees and talked to the Goron within the time limit: You keep everything you collected

  1. You can extinguish the Blue Flame with any ice-type attack ↩︎

  2. Cut down to 10 rupees if you supply the Forest Dweller’s Sword, Forest Dweller’s Bow, and Forest Dweller’s Shield. The first ever time doesn’t have an entrance fee, but you get a Shrine instead of a monetary reward. ↩︎