If even the Guardian won’t get behind your Hate Crime Act, maybe it’s worth having a wee think about it?

  • @ClockworkOtter
    11 months ago

    This the Simon Jenkins who just confessed to being a member of a men only member’s club? Also the English guy trying to weigh in on interpreting Scots law?

    That it’s the Guardian means fuck all by the way; TERFs from head to toe.

      • @ClockworkOtter
        011 months ago

        In the article you’ve just linked to she has quoted David Kennedy who provides no evidence to his claim that the act would undermine public trust in policing. He does point out that the police have not been provided with funding for training on this subject which is far easier to believe - fair enough.

        She also quotes JKR, who is as far from a balanced opinion as it gets in Scotland. This quote is not even worth the pixels it’s viewed on.

        She mentions a demonstration from two TERF groups, and the fucking Scottish Family Party who are a bunch of cavemen.

        She doesn’t quote any third parties who are in favour of the bill.

        This is not balanced reporting.

        Simon Jenkins does not seem to understand the viewpoint of people who are not white men. He has absolutely no problem with being in the men only club. His opinion is only that, and I don’t think it’s worth much at all.

        • streetlightsOP
          211 months ago

          David Kennedy who provides no evidence to his claim that the act would undermine public trust in policing

          Given that he is the head of the Police Federation I suppose him giving testimony is his evidence.

          She also quotes JKR

          It is kind of hard to avoid mentioning her in this story. She’s front page in a few of the broadsheets today.

          This is not balanced reporting.

          I’m not sure it was meant to be a ‘both sides’ piece. The head of the Police federations’ concerns alone aare enough for a few columns explaining what those concerns are.

          Simon Jenkins does not seem to understand the viewpoint of people who are not white men.

          I’m not sure we can reduce someone to their skin colour or sex. He’s an establishment figure to be sure, but a long respected columnist in the UK media. Perhaps his conversations with Judges in the Garrick give him access to legal opinions not often made public.

          Worthy of consideration, especially from a left leaning publication like the Guardian.

          • @ClockworkOtter
            111 months ago

            That’s just deferring to authority; Kennedy doesn’t present any evidence via reports, statistics or analysis so what he says is worthless.

            Simon Jenkins’ characteristics are entirely relevant to his lack of value in this conversation about hate crime against trans persons.

  • @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    This act is law. It passed years ago. So all these English fowk sticking their oars in are about 4 years too late. Furthermore, the bill had cross party support. Labour, Greens and Lib Dems all voted for it. If it’s such a bad law, then the Tories are the only sensible party in Scotland?

    • streetlightsOP
      111 months ago

      Weird isn’t it. SNP getting raked over the coals about it in the papers, but where are the Labour and Green and LibDem MSPs who all voted for it?

  • @OlapM
    211 months ago

    This one is getting repealed next government, fairly obvious already imo

    • streetlightsOP
      211 months ago

      It’s low hanging fruit for whoever the next government will be.