Parenti, Blackshirts and Reds

  • @AllonzeeLV
    9 months ago

    Most human society’s incentive structures are perverse, inhuman jokes.

    Hedge fund managers and asset strippers are rewared by society to the level of modern Pharoahs, while those that have pro-social vocations like teachers and counselors struggle to survive, let alone thrive.

    Civilization gets what it rewards. In rewarding those most successful at pursuing and executing antisocial insatiable avarice, we are getting a capitalist made extinction event, yet we continue and demand infinite acceleration.

    An objective third party looking down on us would almost have to conclude that our species wants to destroy itself by destroying its only habitat. We keep doing the same thing, the crises keep intensifying, and still we scream “grow grow grow!”

    We know that increasing our footprint, Either by population or technological environmental impact, is going to make things at best more challenging for future generations and at worst prevent them altogether, yet we continue, almost entirely to benefit a few thousand sociopaths who would have us arrested for trying to drink at the same private clubs and resorts they frequent.

    What a waste of sapience.

    • @TokenBoomerOP
      29 months ago

      Thanks for the comment. I was reading Parenti again and couldn’t resist. He makes so many cogent points in every paragraph.