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Short Summary

  1. Importance of forced arbitration in cases involving expensive products that can harm consumers, such as laptops or smartphones with design defects.
  2. Companies like Roku and Blizzard using forced arbitration agreements manipulatively, making it difficult for consumers to opt out of these terms. 3 Criticism of companies opting consumers into arbitration agreements via email, while requiring them to send a physical letter to opt out, which is inconvenient and deters many people from taking action.
  3. Unfair and limiting nature of this unequal process on consumers’ rights.
  4. Negative experience shared with Best Fitness NAS, a gym with challenging cancellation procedures.
  5. Criticism of the gym’s practice of easy online sign-ups but difficult cancellations, likening it to a disrespectful and scammy practice.
  6. Argument for customers to be able to cancel online if they signed up online and not be forced to go through such a hassle.
  7. Frustration with companies like LA Fitness that have similar cancellation policies.
  8. Emphasis on the importance of consent and criticism of assuming consent if there is no response, comparing it to a disturbing scenario involving dating.
  9. Strong condemnation of companies engaging in such behaviors, likening it to a “rapist mentality” and stating that companies engaging in such behavior deserve to lose customers.