I don’t know what the users said, maybe they deserved to be removed, but it’s still ironic

  • Python
    711 months ago

    Reminds me of that one time Nazi Furries created their own convention for “Real American free speech non-SJW Furrys”, where they invited all the “anti cancel culture” weirdos.

    Went well the first year, but then the convention owner cheated on her husband or something, so the anti cancel culture peeps cancelled her. Flopped the second year. They’re trying for a third year soon afaik, I wonder how that goes.

    Youtube link to a 2 hour documentary about it

  • @p5yk0t1km1r4ge
    511 months ago

    Haha I had this happen once after I criticized the mods of /r/SteamDeck. It lead to me also criticizing the admins. My comment got tons of upvotes, and tons of supporting responses, and we all got nuked. Then the mods reported me for harassment over it and I got the big boot. Best internet moment of my career tbh.

    • @hairinmybellybuttOP
      511 months ago

      Honestly I have the feeling there are so many untold stories about subreddit moderators… It’s really opaque. If you get banned etc nobody can really see it because it’s hidden, so you never have any possibility to see if a ban is justified or not, it’s like a secret court.

      I wish the moderation history, like bans, comment removals etc were public. It would be hilarious.

      And reddit admins explicitly tell moderators they cannot allow criticism of other subreddit moderators, which reinforce this bubble problem. If you get banned in one sub, you LITERALLY cannot talk about it on reddit, it’s really insane, it’s really shady, that stuff only happens in dictatorships.

  • @hairinmybellybuttOP
    -111 months ago

    small note: my comment was removed by admins as an automated thing, no idea if I was report-bombed or not. I also received a warning.

    I sent a plea and it was restored, and the warning removed.