Leftist news commentary & interviews. Fighting for political and social change. Sabby Sabs podcast is a part of Revolutionary Blackout Network.


  • added short summary quote
  • fixed error w/ pt 7 not showing up

Short Summary

  1. The video segment discusses Trump’s increasing support among black voters, particularly in swing states.
  2. Biden’s support among black voters in swing states has decreased compared to the last election cycle.
  3. A recent survey found that 57% of black men plan to support Biden, while 30% are likely to vote for Trump.
  4. The video mentions a Chick-fil-A event where Trump bought food for students from an HBCU in Atlanta, sparking discussions on social media.
  5. The segment highlights the shift in support from black women, with Biden’s support dropping from 93% in 2020 to 77% in swing states.
  6. The video discusses a black college student who supported Donald Trump and canvassed for him in the past, including during his re-election bid.
  7. The speaker emphasizes that not all black people supported Joe Biden in the 2020 election, with some drawn to Trump due to his business-friendly policies.
  8. The transcript also highlights Trump’s efforts to support historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and his ability to connect with black audiences contrasted with Biden’s perceived discomfort.
  9. There is a discussion on the significance of immigration as a top issue for some black voters in cities like Chicago, Boston, Detroit, and New York City.
  10. The speaker discusses the frustration felt by working-class individuals who are not part of the top 1% or billionaires and the importance of addressing the concerns of black voters without taking their support for granted.