It’s a short post. Here it is.

Because you make me use your store client…

When I tick the box telling your unwanted launcher to remember my password, make it remember my chuffing password.

  • @[email protected]
    449 months ago

    I have a fun time with the Rockstar Launcher for RDR2. It’s a 50/50 chance it will actually launch properly. The other half of the time, it tells me I don’t have access rights to the game.

    Thanks, DRM!

    • @CptEnder
      59 months ago

      Yeah same with me. Honestly worse than Epic

    • @[email protected]
      39 months ago

      Do you launch it from Steam or from the desktop app? I have done both but rarely does it fail. When it does I quit it and launch it again and it works. You might try blasting out the app preferences

    • @Fribbtastic
      29 months ago

      The worst thing for me was the loading times just by starting the game.

      It took me like 2 minutes to get into the game with my last save and 1.5 minutes are just waiting for the launcher, starting the game and all of the logos and things the game was made with. Even worse some Red dead online event being shown before you are even in the main menu even though I don’t even want to play online.

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    I purchased It Takes Two for some $12 or something during a Steam sale. I was disappointingly surprised when I discovered it was an EA published game and on their launcher, even through Steam. I wasn’t happy about it, but I shrugged; I have an origin account from back in the SW:ToR days, so I’ll just log in.

    I punch in my info, correctly remembering both my email and old password, and am met with a 2FA screen. No problem, I have access to the email, so I load it up, wait a couple minutes, and nothing comes in. I press “resend authentication” just in case, stand up, get a drink, use the washroom, sit down, nothing. I hit resend again, start googling the status of the 2FA servers and see some complaints about the time it takes to get a 2FA from them in old forum posts. 30 minutes later, nothing.

    I load up a torrent client, find a repack of the game, begin torrenting it, finish it, install it and start playing. Half of the time my girlfriend and I had to enjoy the game right now is gone, but we played and enjoyed it none the less. I refund the game on Steam. We finish, head out to supper since we agreed earlier to meet some friends, and I’m sitting at the table when my phone buzzes. I’ve received an email providing me my 2FA key for the EA launcher, 4 hours after originally requested. In this time I was easily able to pirate, install, play and finish a session of the game I was logging in to play, and as a kicker, refund the original purchase through Steam.

    Piracy is a symptom, not a cause, and these garbage clients are just another facet of the infection.

    • Voytrekk
      109 months ago

      It’s said that companies can’t understand that pirating a game should be a worse experience, not a better one. I’m at the point where I only buy games on steam or gog. Any other launcher is a pain in the ass.

  • Vengefu1 Tuna
    109 months ago

    I haven’t played Apex in years, but this used to drive me insane. I think the Origin “remember password” checkbox is for decoration only.

    • Willie
      29 months ago

      They forced everyone off Origin and onto the EA App.

      They still didn’t make a remember password button that works.

  • @[email protected]
    79 months ago

    I’ve been playing Far Cry 3, and every damn time I launch it the godforsaken Ubisoft launcher makes me verify my password. You know, in case someone tries to fraudulently play my 12 year old game.

    • @[email protected]
      39 months ago

      I love what the ubisoft launcher dones when it needs an update. Not telling me, but when you press play on a game it instantly closes, no warnings. Then 30s later it pops up saying it’s updating (with uac prompt.) Then launches the game.

      I get it, but just change the play button to say ‘update client and play.’ Or have a banner at the top to say it needs an update.

  • @[email protected]
    49 months ago

    I hate when games share launchers

    Okay, I bought a game on your store. Now let me download the game/launcher and never have to open your store again. And do this for every game

  • @aluminium
    19 months ago

    I get why publishers want their own launcher, steams’ 30% cut is insane, but why not split the savings 50/50?